Tag Archives: media

Dear Australia, please stop being Rupert Murdoch’s bitch

Dear Australia, please stop being Rupert Murdoch’s bitch

If you’ve bought into the hysteria over Australia’s “economy in crisis” and/or believe Tony Abbott when he talks about our “budget emergency”, you need to click through and read Mr Denmore’s latest post. Follow the links if you doubt any of his assertions, and ask yourself if you’ve been allowing an offshore tyrant to tell you what to think.

[NB: there’s a lot about the ALP I don’t like, but for all of its flaws, it’s the only federal party making any attempt to work with Actual Facts and Credible Policy right now. If you get your news from mainstream outlets, you probably don’t believe me, which begs the question: why are facts and policy struggling to find oxygen in Australia? I think it’s because: 1. Rupert Murdoch and friends have vested interests and too much power; and 2. it takes brainless hysteria and xenophobic conservatism to keep the average Australian interested. Or, to put it another way, you’d have to be ADD to vote for the LNP.]

Keep being, um, awesome, #qanda

Confession: I’m a Christian, I love politics, and I didn’t tune in to last night’s Q&A with Peter Jensen et al.

I didn’t need to. The outcome was too predictable. The prominent Christian conservative (for whom I have a lot of respect, incidentally) was going to be asked controversial questions, he was going to answer them ineffectively (as if gay men’s health is even relevant?!), his secular audience was going to be outraged, and Christian onlookers were going to be evenly split between vicarious martyrs and embarrassed head-hangers.

Did I get it about right? The Twitters seem to confirm.

Maybe try doing something interesting with your show, Tony Jones.

Azaria. Is it too late to learn?

I wasn’t even born when she was taken, but like so many other Australians, I feel strangely attached to her story. Uluru. The dingos. The cruelty. The unspeakable heartbreak. The outrage.

It’s a desperate, powerful story that we mustn’t forget anytime soon.

Or have we already forgotten?

Our courts still don’t know how to handle disagreements between forensic scientists.

Our journalists are even more brazenly engaged in trial-by-media.

And we still believe that members of religious groups are [probably] nuts.

Oh Azaria, we’re such slow learners.