“I don’t own a TV” over time (according to xkcd)
I only own one TV. But it’s 46″ across. Also, it’s manufactured by Samsung.
I have no idea how any of this makes me feel, but I did find this xkcd graph somewhat amusing.
“I don’t own a TV” over time (according to xkcd)
I only own one TV. But it’s 46″ across. Also, it’s manufactured by Samsung.
I have no idea how any of this makes me feel, but I did find this xkcd graph somewhat amusing.
Branding famous dead scientists
I’m particularly partial to this guy’s logo, seeing as how my parents took both of his names and put them in the middle of mine:
(via It’s Okay To Be Smart)
The really ironic thing about April Fool’s is that it’s the only day of the year that anyone is even remotely skeptical of the Internet.
Thomas Jefferson, via The Callus
Side note: I enjoy April Fool’s Day pranks, and have been known to pull some of them myself, but I’m a little troubled by the expense involved in certain stunts. Daring Fireball makes a reasonable point.
Somewhat amusing. #possibleunderstatement