In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m doing a photo-a-day project this year.
It’s called “x100.365” because I’m shooting every image with my beloved Fujifilm FinePix X100, quite possibly the best camera ever made. It’s tiny, quirky, slow, and almost entirely devoid of bells and whistles. It’s also built like a brick, comes with a beautiful, non-interchangeable 35mm-equivalent f/2 lens, and has a ridiculously capable 1.5x crop sensor inside. I should probably also mention the hybrid optical/digital viewfinder, which makes it a Leica-beating almost-rangefinder, and totally sets it apart from competitors like the OM-D.
It’s everything a serious street camera should be, and I absolutely love it.
Anyway, back to my photo-a-day project.
Turns out, some days I shoot more than one viable photo. What do with the extras?
Clearly, a monthly “outtake” post is called for.
Enjoy the first edition!
“Disasters That Changed Australia” — “Gina Rinehart”. Adamstown Library FTW.
Colour was our only indulgence.
They had been warned, but they didn’t listen.
The land is probably worth more than AU$1m. Pity about the house.
I had hoped to capture something shady going down, but there wasn’t even any graffiti to shoot. Lame.
Newcastle by night. It’s not pitch-black at all.
Only Katherine can make messy look this good.
Not sure who taught her to do that with her hands.
Numbers. Letters. Pipes. What else does a good photo need? Rhetorical question.
Vehicular consumption.
So. Many. Trains.
This is the only hi5 she’ll ever enjoy live in concert.
January saw Joey’s love of satin and thumbs revived. Ah, the serenity.
I drive past a cemetery on my way to and from work every day. It’s strangely alluring.