Category Archives: Personal

The Bourne Legacy

A Bourne movie without Matt Damon? It sounds like sacrilege, and it is, but at least they didn’t drop in a replacement for his character. Jason Bourne is still at large, and this latest instalment adds a whole new arc to the Treadstone story.

There are just enough original cast members to legitimise Legacy, production/acting quality is as high as ever, and there are several thrilling low-tech high-brains combat scenes, but the plot is weak and directionless relative to the originals, so the whole thing reeks of profit at the expense of awesome.

I’ll remain faithful to the original trilogy as 3 of the best movies of all time, and will try to forget this aberration.

Pass the amnesia, please.

The Magazine

The Magazine

One of life’s big challenges, in my opinion, is simply choosing what to read. Every day, more tweets, posts, articles and books are published than we could hope to read in a lifetime – and that’s assuming we limit ourselves to topics we actually care about.

That said, if you enjoy good writing and have more than a passing interest in technology, people, sustainability and new media, I think you should be reading The Magazine.

I’ve only just come to the party, and I’m loving it.

(There’s a free trial, and you’ll need an iOS device.)

No-one blogs at Christmas

I guess that’s because they’re all offline. Busy doing Christmas-type things. Ignoring their smartphones. (Or pretending to, for the sake of their mothers.)

I’ve had a fairly quiet Christmas, so here’s my gift to everyone else whose blog reader is depressingly empty:

A completely pointless post.

While I’m here, I’d like to mention how much I’m looking forward to my annual self-audit. I’ll be deciding what to quit, setting goals for 2013, improving my workflows, and generally getting my s*** together.

May your holiday be just as refreshing, reflective and purposeful. Unless you’re not getting a holiday, in which case, well, poor you.

Farewell, Tumblr. (Again.)

Sorry, Tumblr.

I can see why people love your particular blend of microblogging and social networking, but you’re not for me.

It’s been a fun second attempt, though.

My Tumblr has moved to, and my stream of consciousness continues there (or here, depending on where you’re reading this).

You no longer have to join Tumblr to comment. Yay!

The Dip

I’ve followed Seth Godin’s blog for a while now, and have even bought a couple of his books. Ironically, The Dip was the first I got around to reading.

It’s ironic because Seth is all about being productive / successful / decisive / courageous / creative / useful, and it’s taken me this long just to read one of his books from beginning to end.

It’s like never getting around to reading Getting Things Done (not that this was necessarily my experience, of course). One needs the cure before one can take the medicine!

Anyway, I just read The Dip (it helped that it was really short), and I found its message rather timely. It’s about quitting well (when stuck in a dead end or heading towards a precipice) and enduring strategically (but only when you know it’s worth it).

Given I’d just started trying to enumerate the components of my over-committed life – with a view to eliminating some and managing the rest better – I appreciated the reminder that to quit when necessary is not failure at all.

There was plenty of other good stuff, too. From one non-quitter to another (yes, I’m talking to you): it’s definitely worth quitting something to make room in your week for this little book.